The Power of WATER to Change Things in The Body

Ormus Minerals Quantum Energy Ormus
INGREDIENTS: Quantum Energy Water
-001 1

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No matter where you look today you will encounter someone carrying bottled water.
Water has become the earmark of a healthy lifestyle by offering hydration and purification.
Over half of the human body is made of water; for this reason, drinking water for
health is absolutely crucial in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Power of water to change things in the body cannot
be underestimated. Those things include the following
1. Electrolyte Balance
Water is very vital in maintaining electrolyte balance within our bodies.
Electrolytes are charged ions which must be kept at certain levels to maintain water that is sufficient in our
cells. Electrolytes transmit all sorts of information to our brains in the form of nerve impulses and are important
in muscular activity as well.
Water flows in and out of the cell to ensure that these ions remain in balance. By so
doing, water maintains electrolytes at the proper level in our body cells.
2. Temperature regulation
Air conditioners keeps things cool at home. The human body has its natural air
conditioning system and it is water. The most important way water regulates our body temperature is through sweat.
Sweat is actually a way for the body to cool itself down.
Whenever we sweat, it evaporates on our skin, drawing heat away from the body and
cooling us down.
3. Digestion
Water helps you to absorb all your foods. This is because it acts as the transport
systems for all the nutrients in the bloodstream.
4. Transport of substances in the
Once a substance is dissolved in water, water becomes very important for transporting
it throughout the body. Blood (83% water) transport oxygen, Carbon (IV) dioxide, nutrients, wastes products and
more from one cell to cell.
Urine removes wastes products from the body. Therefore water changes the levels of
toxins in our body by transporting toxic substances out of our bodies.
5. pH regulation
Ideally human body must maintain a very specific pH level of 7.4.pH values less than
6.9 and greater than 7.6 are life threatening therefore our bodies’ pH must be maintained within narrow ranges of
6. Burning of Fat
Water aids in the burning of fat. To burn fat, the fat cells need to first be free of
excess water and toxins. When you do not drink water, you may not lose weight since your body holds on to what
water it gets for survival.
Ideally our metabolic rate is the rate in which we burn calories. Water is required
to this process to function optimally. Power of water to change things when it comes burning of fat is witnessed
that way.
Power of water to change things in our body is overwhelming. We should all drink
water, at regular intervals throughout the day, even when we are not thirsty. This is due to the fact that water is
centrally involved in nearly bodily process. Always assess the water source that you use on regular basis, making
adjustment as needed and start creating the daily habit of regular, proper hydration. Water is indeed