Properties of

Water is a binary molecule that is clear, odorless and
tasteless liquid. It occurs in three forms - liquid, gaseous and solid. It’s the major component of all
life forms constituting 60% volume by mass of both plants and animals skeleton. Thus, it’s regarded as
a critical component for life sustenance. |
Water has a simple atomic structure consisting two
hydrogen atoms joined to single oxygen atom. The structure of water gives it unique physical,
chemical and biological properties which influences many process in living organisms. Therefore,
the different properties of water emanate from the liking of its atoms and the resulting
structure. |
Heat capacity; the capacity to absorb heat energy
from the environment. When water is boiled, it takes time subject to heat supplied to reach its
boiling point which is typically 1000 c. This property allows vast amount of ocean waters to act
like reservoirs of solar energy which help to maintain a balance of temperatures on earth
Adhesive and cohesion; molecules of water stick
together due to cohesion forces and are attracted to other substances by adhesive
Capillary action; when a hollow straw is placed in
a vessel filled with water, capillary is observed. Due to adhesive property of water, when a single
molecules climbs the straw other flows. However, capillary is subject to size of straw and gravity
Density; the density of pure water is around
1g/cm3. Usually, water density is dependent on temperature and salt content. When liquid water is
cooled to room temperature, it becomes denser similar to other substances. However, at around 40c
pure water attains its maximum density any further cooling causes expansion with reduction in

Ormus Minerals Quantum Energy Ormus
INGREDIENTS: Quantum Energy Water
-001 1

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Many organisms on earth surface live in water
including bacteria, fungi, protozoans, viruses, Phytoplankton, insects, worms, fish and plants
among others due to the different properties of water. Water has a neutral PH making it ideal for
life sustenance.
Various processes like transpiration, evaporation,
precipitation and run off continuously recycle water am are paramount in maintaining ecological
balance. Clean water is vital for human and other organism consumption.
Water molecule constitutes two hydrogen and one oxygen
atom. Water molecule is partially positively and negatively charged due to hydrogen bonding created
within the molecule. The oxygen gives the molecule a negative charge while the hydrogen atoms give a
negative charge resulting in different properties of water |
Hydrophobic; water has the ability to dissolve various
substances that are made up of polar and ions molecules. The electric charge created makes these
substances to be attracted to water molecules and dissolve
Hydrophobic; substances with non-polar bonds are less
attracted to water molecule and tend to be insoluble in water. When such substances are mixed with
water, layers are observed showing distinct molecules |

Hydrogen bonds; water molecules are attracted to each
another by hydrogen bonding. The hydrogen bonds tends to be strongest when several water molecules are
attracted together, and this property allows water molecules to cling together in large
volume |
The physical, Chemical and biological properties of
water makes it’s a universal solvents that is essential for life. Usually, not any single living
organism can survive without water. The need to conserve our natural resources like forest is key
towards ensuring water conservation. |