
Ormus Minerals Quantum Energy Ormus
INGREDIENTS: Quantum Energy Water
-001 1

2 ounces
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4 ounces
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Everyone interested in weight loss or dieting should realize that any diet
you are on should include Frequencies in Water that is, drinking plenty of water.
An important advantage of Frequencies in Water is that it works to carry nutrients
through the system, lubricates joints, causes waste to be removed, and works to maintain healthy looking
There are dangerous effects if your body does not get enough water because if the
kidneys don't get enough fluid, the liver stops metabolizing fat and starts filtering waste. Intestines that do not
receive enough water will begin to draw what they need from the cells in the bowel, which can cause
By Frequencies in Water you will help your colon to function better.
When your body is dehydrated it affects the high-water-content parts of the body
first, symptoms of being dehydrated can include weakness and decreasing mental alertness. If you have small
children, dehydration symptoms can include: Decreased urine or frequency and fewer than six wet diapers a day for
infants, dry, sticky mouth and signs of lack of Frequencies in Water.
It is not uncommon for some people, experiencing dehydration can be first expressed
through hunger signals and is not always combined with thirst. When you feel like you need a snack, it is very
possible your body needs you to drink some water. Try to always drink a full glass before every meal and better yet
anytime you begin to feel hungry.
Water it is vital to survival and yet most of us take it for granted. A significant
fraction of the human body is water thus Frequencies in Water is very important. Having enough water for your
overall health is one of the best things you can do for yourself. All diet programs should stress the reason
drinking water and plenty of it, will help in reaching your goal of losing weight and being healthier. Generally it
is not best to use thirst alone as an indicator for when to get a drink. Once you begin to feel thirsty, it's most
likely that your body needing water since it is dehydrated. It is good to know that, when our bodies begin to get
older they are less able to sense dehydration and your brain is slowing to process the signals your body is
If you find you are always thirsty and experience increased urination, this could be
signs of a more serious medical condition. Call your health provider as soon as possible if you experience either
of these.
The more you exercise and the more you sweat, the more water you need to drink, and
if you suddenly feel very thirsty, it's because your body already needed water and is taking water from your
salivary glands. If you are exercising on days when it is hot outside, water should be replenished every 15 minutes
in order to keep muscles strong and help to keep your body on a proper Frequencies in Water level.
This is immensely important for long endurance events, which is one reason that
cyclists will usually carry water with them. Dehydration can lead to serious health problems, even death.
Frequencies in Water may be the most important pieces to the weight loss puzzle. Water contains no calories, fat,
or cholesterol, is inexpensive and readily available. It is nature's appetite suppressant, and drinking plenty of
water to help your body burn off more fat.